Make and Gear Up a MAX LEVEL Character in Borderlands 3 FAST

Make and Gear Up a MAX LEVEL Character in Borderlands 3 FAST

With the new feature on Borderlands 3 that allows you to make a max level character and skip the story, this guide will get you all geared up quickly on ALL CHARACTERS! How to install mods on BL3 on PC:    • How to install MODS in Borderlands 3 ...   Some great max level builds to use: Moze Build:    • Borderlands 3 | MOZERKER 8.0 - Mayhem...   Amara Build:    • Borderlands 3 | BUBBLE BURSTER AMARA ...   Zane Build:    • Borderlands 3 | CHILL & KILL ZANE | L...   FL4K Build:    • Borderlands 3 | DESTROYER OF WORLDS F...   JOIN THE DISCORD!!!! Discord:   / discord   SOCIALS: Twitch:   / ki11ersix   Twitter:   / ki11ersix   Edited by Ki11ersix #borderlands3 #Borderlands