Batman: Return to Arkham Asylum | All Character Trophies Unlocked | 4K HDR 60FPS

Batman: Return to Arkham Asylum | All Character Trophies Unlocked | 4K HDR 60FPS

Welcome to my 'Batman: Return to Arkham Asylum | All Character Trophies Unlocked | 4K HDR 60FPS' video, where I showcase every 'Character Trophy' I unlocked throughout my walkthrough of 'Batman: Return to Arkham - Arkham Asylum'. There are 20 'Character Trophies' in total and they are unlocked by collecting 'Riddler Trophies' in the game's 'Story' mode. Gameplay is captured in 4K HDR at 60FPS on my PlayStation 5. Thanks for watching, every single view, like, comment, or subscribe received on this video is much appreciated. Enjoy. Chapters: 0:00 Batman - Character Trophy 0:26 Batman, Armoured - Character Trophy 0:46 The Joker - Character Trophy 1:08 Titan-powered Joker - Character Trophy 1:28 Harley Quinn - Character Trophy 1:50 Poison Ivy - Character Trophy 2:10 Henchman on Titan - Character Trophy 2:32 Scarface - Character Trophy 2:52 Killer Croc - Character Trophy 3:14 Bane - Character Trophy 3:34 The Scarecrow - Character Trophy 3:56 Victor Zsasz - Character Trophy 4:16 Aaron Cash and Guards - Character Trophy 4:40 Warden Quincy Sharp - Character Trophy 5:02 Commissioner Gordon - Character Trophy 5:22 Frank Boles - Character Trophy 5:44 Arkham Inmates - Character Trophy 6:08 Blackgate Prisoners - Character Trophy 6:32 The Batmobile - Character Trophy 6:54 The Batwing - Character Trophy