3 Most Incredible Ancient Sumerian Discoveries That Scientists Can't Explain

3 Most Incredible Ancient Sumerian Discoveries That Scientists Can't Explain

3 most incredible ancient Sumerian discoveries that scientists can't explain. Today, we take a look at these 3 incredible ancient Sumerian discoveries. Sumerian civilisation is considered to be one of, if not the oldest civilisation in human history. Apart from perhaps the Aboriginal Australians, Sumerian people were some of the first to ever create what we now view as some sort of ordered civilisation on earth. They existed between the sixth and fifth millennium BC – some four thousand years before the birth of Jesus – and have taught historians a lot about how ancient civilisation worked and how this has impacted upon the modern day. The fascinating thing about history is that everything has influenced the way that we live in the present. History impacts everything and everyone, and Sumerian civilisation and the mysteries that come with it are no different. Thank you for watching! Thank you to CO.AG for the background music!