Artist's Way by Julia Cameron: Intro and Week One Guide
🚀 Want to WRITE better? Join my free writing school: https://www.skool.com/writeconscious 📚 Book club, daily podcasts, and my writing: https://writeconscious.substack.com 📕My Best Books of All-Time List: https://writeconscious.ck.page/355619... 🔥Want to READ my wife’s fire poetry? Go here: https://marigoldeclipse.substack.com 🤔My Favorite Book: https://amzn.to/3zPeC04 The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron is a twelve-week program to help unblock creativity and reach your highest potential as an artist. Over the course of twelve weeks, Ian Cattanach will be posting deep dives into each chapter of the book. Week one focuses on learning the importance of the morning pages, the artist's date, and how to overcome limiting beliefs.