Will You Work and Respect? Baptismal Covenant Part 5 12/17/23 - Sermon

Will You Work and Respect? Baptismal Covenant Part 5 12/17/23 - Sermon

Whether you join us live at 9:30am on 12/17/23 or catch the replay, we want to welcome you! Submit a digital Yellow Card with your prayer requests at https://churchofthemessiah.com/yellow... For the sermon notes, please go to churchofthemessiah.com/sermon-notes We also invite you to join us for one of our services in person, each Sunday! Sunday: 8:00 am Traditional, 9:30 am Blended Music, 11:00 am Contemporary, 4:00 pm (French & Creole) 5:00 pm Bible Study, 7:00 pm Casual Service Wednesday: Healing Service 10:00 am & Bible Study at 11:00 am