2 grand prize winners of 2024 and 2 grand prize winners of 2022 | Kshiraj's wonderland

2 grand prize winners of 2024 and 2 grand prize winners of 2022 | Kshiraj's wonderland

Hi guys my name is kshiraj. Today i posted 2 grand prize of 2024 and that is Lapetus by Turbulent and Spike by Ezra Craig. So Lapetus is a really good plane it has narrow at the front which makes the plane lock together and flies over 150 feet . Whereas, Spike is a good plane as well , it has cockpit at the front and flies over 100 feet which is insane. Yet i have another 2 grand prize winners of 2022 and that is frostbite by Alex Karlsen and vanguard studios and solar flare by Aiden Dominguez . Frostbite is a really good model jet , it has air intake , two tail fins and two afterburners and it is so cool and locks together in a three dimensional shape and flies over 100 feet. Whereas, solar flare has two fins at the top and locks together in three dimensional shape and flies over 100 feet . Music- Chemistry by DJ Gontran and performed by Max Kommodor Link-    • Asphalt 8 - Chemistry   2024 Grand prize winners Plane - Lapetus Designer - Turbulent Materials - 8.5 by 11 inch sheet of paper or A4 paper Difficulty- Advanced Link -    • Flies OVER 150 Feet! Competition Winn...   Plane- Spike Designer - Ezra Craig Materials - 8.5 by 11 inch sheet of paper or A4 paper Difficulty - Intermediate Link-    • FLIES OVER 100 FEET!!! How to Make a ...   2022 Grand prize winners Plane- Frostbite Designer- Alex Karlsen and Vanguard studios Materials - Square paper Difficulty- Expert Link -    • How to Make a Competition Winning Jet...   Plane- Solar Flare Designer- Aiden Dominguez Materials - 8.5 by 11 inch sheet of paper or A4 paper or (Pen or ruler) Difficulty - Intermediate Link -   • How to Make a Competition Winning Pap...   Thank you so much for watching Goal of subscribers- 100k