Epiphany 4: Sun Jan 30, 2022
Order of Holy Communion (TLH p15) Epiphany 4: Sun Jan 30, 2022 Ev. Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer, LCMS - Peekskill, NY William P. Terjesen, Pastor 0:00:00 - Prelude 0:03:40 - Opening Hymn: TLH#428: I Am Trusting Thee, Lord Jesus 0:06:27 - Invocation 0:06:38 - The Confession of Sins 0:08:32 - The Introit 0:09:59 - Gloria Patri 0:09:34 - The Kyrie 0:11:41 - The Gloria In Excelsis 0:12:11 - Salutation 0:12:23 - Collect for the Day 0:13:15 - Announcements 0:14:53 - Lesson: Isaiah 43.1-3 0:16:02 - Epistle: Romans 13.8-10 0:16:56 - Gradual 0:17:24 - The Triple Hallelujah 0:17:41 - Gospel: Matthew 8.23-27 0:19:16 - The Nicene Creed 0:20:55 - Hymn of the Day: TLH#518: If Thou But Suffer God to Guide Thee 0:27:11 - Sermon 0:52:27 - The Offertory 0:53:54 - Offering 0:54:27 - The General Prayer 0:58:03 - Communion Hymn: TLH#437: Who Trusts in God, a Strong Abode 1:01:14 - The Preface, Proper Preface 1:02:26 - The Sanctus 1:03:33 - The Lord's Prayer 1:04:20 - The Words of Institution 1:05:03 - The Pax Domini 1:05:16 - The Agnus Dei 1:06:31 - The Distribution 1:06:00 - The Nuc Dimittis 1:13:47 - The Thanksgiving 1:14:46 - The Benediction 1:15:08 - Closing Hymn: TLH#644: Doxology 1:16:05 - Post service bells and postlude More about this service: https://ourredeemerlcms.org/services/... Organ: EB