Drugs used in disorders of coagulation || mcqs || part-1- pharmacology #heparin

Drugs used in disorders of coagulation || mcqs || part-1- pharmacology #heparin

Drugs Used in Coagulation Disorders The drugs used in clotting and bleeding disorders fall into 2 major groups: (1) drugs used to decrease clotting or dissolve clots already present in patients at risk for vascular occlusion (2) drugs used to increase clotting in patients with clotting deficiencies. The first group, the anticlotting drugs, includes some of the most commonly used drugs in the United States. Anticlotting drugs are used in the treatment and prevention of myocardial infarction and other acute coronary syndromes, atrial fibrillation, ischemic stroke, and deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Within the anticlotting group, the anticoagulant and thrombolytic drugs are effective in treatment of both venous and arterial thrombosis, whereas antiplatelet drugs are used primarily for treatment of arterial disease. Drugs that facilitate clotting: Replacement factors Vitamin K Antiplasmin drugs In this video and its affiliated parts in the organotropic agents section, multiple-choice questions about Drugs Used in Coagulation Disorders in terms uses, mechanisms of action, common side effects, contraindications, and many important questions that you may encounter in many exams. Coagulation modifiers are drugs that act on the blood coagulation pathway in different places to prevent or promote blood clot formation. Anticoagulants and antiplatelet drugs are used to prevent blood clot formation. Thrombolytic drugs (also called fibrinolytic drugs) are used to break up blood clots. Heparin antagonists, anticoagulant reversal agents, and platelet-stimulating agents are used to reduce the risk of bleeding. Types of Coagulation modifiers: Anticoagulant reversal agents. Anticoagulants: Coumarins and indandiones Factor Xa inhibitors Heparins Thrombin inhibitors Antiplatelet agents: Glycoprotein platelet inhibitors Platelet aggregation inhibitors Protease-activated receptor-1 antagonists Heparin antagonists Hereditary angioedema agents Miscellaneous coagulation modifiers Platelet-stimulating agents Thrombolytics #pharmacology #mcq #anticoagulant videos links: MCQs of pharmacology very important questions part-6    • Pharmacology MCQs part-6 || Very impo...   MCQs of Antihypertensive drugs part-1    • Antihypertensive Drugs | MCQs | pharm...   MCQs of Antiparkinsonian drugs part-1    • Antiparkinsonian drugs mcqs | pharmac...   MCQs of Gastrointestinal diseases part-1    • Gastrointestinal disease || MCQs-phar...   MCQs of CNS (Antiepileptics) part-1    • Anticonvulsants drugs Antiseizure || ...   MCQs of Antibiotics part-1.1    • pharmacology mcqs || Antibiotics || p...   NAPLEX pass rate MCQs part-1    • mcqs of pharmacology and medicinal ch...