SPOOK-CRATES | Let's Play Zombie Army Trilogy: Beyond Berlin - Part 7

SPOOK-CRATES | Let's Play Zombie Army Trilogy: Beyond Berlin - Part 7

Look. We don't kinkshame in the Pit. These nazi zombies can keep their spooky crates in them. Zombie Army Trilogy is a spin-off of the Sniper Elite series by Rebellion Development. Much like the original game, ZAT's shooting primarily focuses on having players taking down the undead with well-placed sniper shots. Other guns such as assault rifles and shotguns are also available for use. In a semi-similar fashion to the Left 4 Dead franchise, each mission begins and ends in a sort of safe house where players can get ammo, guns, and other combat supplies. #ZombieArmyTrilogy #SniperElite #WW2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New videos every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday! Subscribe for updates and other funny stuff. Like us on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1JjvdYJ Check us out on Twitter: http://bit.ly/1Ukd9hL