충격 !! ... 쓰레기장 뒤지는 배고픈 코끼리떼들(Drone footage shows elephants foraging for food in Sri lan...| cbcworld
▶ cbc뉴스 https://www.cbcnews.co.kr/ 반응이 센 cbc뉴스 #CBCWORLD #CBC뉴스 #CBCNEWS [CBCWORLD] 배고픈 코끼리 무리가 먹을 것을 찾아 스리랑카 동부의 쓰레기 더미를 뒤지고 있는 모습이 담긴 영상이 공개되었다. 코끼리들은 플라스틱, 종이, 그리고 다른 쓰레기 더미를 뒤적거리며, 버려진 채소 조각들을 고른다. 이것은 야생 동물 보호 구역 옆에 위치한 이 나라에서 가장 큰 세 곳의 쓰레기 매립지에서 흔히 볼 수 있는 광경이다. Drone footage from Tuesday (November 24) shows a herd of hungry elephants digging through heaps of trash in eastern Sri Lanka, looking for something to eat. They rummage through heaps of plastic, paper and other trash, picking out wilted bits of vegetables with their trunks. It's a common sight at the country's three largest landfills which are located next to wildlife protection zones. This landfill in Ampara was created around a decade ago in the middle of an elephant corridor which is home to 200-300 elephants. Electric fences were put up but the elephants have made their way in and have been helping themselves to the easy food supply. The elephants have also been eating plastic along with the food scraps and this is now slowly killing them, local officials say. In 2019, 361 elephants died, a new record high. The dump is not the only target of the hungry elephants. The villages in the area have always had an uneasy co-existence with the wild herds, but the the situation is only getting worse, local residents say Human deaths due to elephants number between 20-80 per year. There are currently around 7500 wild elephants on the island which has a population of about 22 million people. Domesticated elephants are revered in the country and are used in religious and cultural events throughout the year. [영상=로이터ㅣCBC뉴스]