TOP 10 STRANGEST PLANT|MOST UNIQUE FOWERS|MOST BEAUTIFUL FOWERS| FINDS IN THE WORLD URDU HINDI This video is about the the most sstrangest plants which are findsin the world and which are more expensive .So these were the 10 most intriguing plants list found on our Planet Earth. We want to believe that you appreciated learning about such special plants that exist.1.#RafflesiaArnoldii Known to be the world's biggest bloom, this plant is one of the most extraordinary one on the planet. Rafflesia Arnoldii, otherwise called the carcass plant, this name was given to this plant on account of its foul smell that is like rotting tissue. Not at all like different blossoms, this plant doesn't have a lovely smell and you can find this bloom in the thick tropical jungles of Sumatra, Indonesia, Malaysia and Bengkulu. 2. #EncephalartosWoodii Perhaps the most uncommon plant on the planet is the Encephalartos Woodii which is presently rationed and limited to the professional flowerbed just where it was moved from Zululand. This plant is found in South Africa and is considered being terminated in the wild with all examples being clones of the sort. 3. #Nepenthes Tenax One of the most unusual looking plants is the Nepenthes Tenax which is viewed as one of the uncommon plants on the planet. Having many similitudes with the pitcher plant, this plant grows up to a tallness of 100 cms with the pitcher formed bloom on the top, having a stature of 15 cms. This is an incredibly uncommon Australian swamp plant local to northern Queensland. This plant is presently a piece of the imperiled types of the world. 4. #Welwitschia One of the longest living plants otherwise called the living fossil plant is again one of the most extraordinary plant species found in Africa. This bizarre looking plant has a woody, thick, short and heavy trunk. This plant has an exceptionally sluggish development rate and is accepted to live for 1000 to 2000 years on the planet. 5. #Pennantia Baylisiana Scoring a spot in the Guinness book of world records. Pennantia Baylisiana is again a terminated plant of the world which is uncommon to observe implies you can't find it without any problem. This disputable plant has so many orientation emergency, a few researchers attempted to demonstrate whether it's a female beginning or a male one 6. #Amorphophallus Titanum (Titan Arum) This unusual looking plant is just found in the professional flowerbed of the area, known as Rose Hills of Huntington. This ill humored plant just sprouts sporadically and it resembles a blossom with a red trip with an internal beige shading wick. This is one of the most extraordinary and excellent plants on the planet. 7. #Phantom Orchid This strange looking plant looks like the state of small apparitions holding tight its brambles. Like different orchids, this sort of orchid doesn't have any leaves and has an apple fragrance. It is one of the most uncommon of orchid species viewed as on the planet and has pale blooms and meager stems. It is far off areas of Florida and Cuba. 8. #Mythical beast's Blood Tree This Dragon Blood Tree looks like the state of a mushroom when checked out it from underneath. To see this interesting tree, you'll need to make a trip to Yemen, lease a boat, and visit the island of Socotra. The sap of this tree is red as blood and this tree is found on just a single island off the shoreline of Yemen in the whole world. 9. #Middlemist Red The prettiest blossom is no question most extraordinary one in this present reality. It has just two examples left on the planet: one in the Botanical nurseries in London and the other in New Zealand. 200 years prior this was one of the most blossoming blossoms yet because of over the top development of this bloom, it has now become terminated on the planet. 10.#Rothschild's Slipper Orchid One of the most costly blossoms on the planet is something you need to trust that 15 long years will get one. This bloom costs about $5000 per bloom and is without a doubt the most extraordinary you'll find on this planet Earth. This interesting, imperiled orchid is found in the high piles of Borneo and there is no set of experiences found on who found this plant. This touchy orchid just develops at specific rises.10 incredibly rare flowers,rarest flowers in the world,amazing flowers in the world,top 10,flowers on the wall,you wont believe exist,;