BTS (방탄소년단) 2019 MMA *REACTION* Intro: Persona +Boy In Luv + Boy With Luv (Part 1)

BTS (방탄소년단) 2019 MMA *REACTION* Intro: Persona +Boy In Luv + Boy With Luv (Part 1)

So far I actually liked the 2020 MMA performance better than 2019. You can definitely see their growth. REACTION To BTS (방탄소년단) Intro: Persona +Boy In Luv + Boy With Luv @ 2019 MMA (Part 1) Watch this video, Like this video, Share this video, and make sure to subscribe to my channel for more content like this. PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO TIL THE END. I PROMISE YOU WONT BE DISAPPOINTED. Watch my reaction to This Is BTS    • THIS IS BTS | Introduction to BTS [Pa...   From Nobodies To Legends Reaction    • #BTS | FROM NOBODIES TO LEGENDS [2019...   Carpool Karaoke w/ James Corden REACTION PART 1    • 🔥🔥 BTS Carpool Karaoke | *Reaction* (...   Also check out all of my other BTS reaction videos. THANKS FOR WATCHING I PURPLE HEART YOU ALL. #BTS #MMA2019 #BTSMMA