[초중급]원어민 영어회화 듣기 주제 Single life

[초중급]원어민 영어회화 듣기 주제 Single life

📖원어민영어회화 프리토킹 영상 Daily Question 43 Single life 영상입니다~! 수업듣기전에 원어민분들이 어떻게 이야기를 나누는지 미리 한번 듣기식으로 보고 와주세요~! #원어민대화 #영어듣기연습 #영어회화표현 / 더보기 클릭하여 질문 바로가기! 👍스터디에 참여하고 싶다면? https://bit.ly/3dZWbGX 00:23 Q1 Do you think that marriage is a must? Q2 What is the fundamental reason for the increasing number of unmarried people? Q3 How would your parents react if you told them that you would not marry anyone in future? Q4 Do you know someone who chose to be single? If so, what do you think about his/her lifestyle? Q5 What impact does the increasing number of singles have on society? Q6 If most people were single in a society, what kind of culture would emerge? Q7 Is there any prejudices against unmarried people in your country? Q8 Do you think it’s easier for a man or a woman to be single? Q9 If you chose to remain single, what will be your top priority for the rest of your life? Q10 What is your definition of single life? 👍스터디 문의 카카오톡 http://pf.kakao.com/_xeMISK/chat 👍컬컴 인스타그램 culcom 👍컬컴에서 어떻게 공부하는지 궁금하다면, 클릭! http://pf.kakao.com/_xeMISK 👍구독과 좋아요는 영상 제작에 큰 힘이 됩니당! 👍피드백은 항상 환영입니다!