3 Psychological Hidden Tricks to Make Him Obsessed With You

3 Psychological Hidden Tricks to Make Him Obsessed With You

3 Psychological Hidden Tricks to Make Him Obsessed With You All the Time Relationship Advice for Women In this video, I shared 3 Tricks to highlight the art of constantly making him think about you. By uncovering these psychological Hidden Tricks, a woman can gain a deeper understanding of creating and maintaining a lasting presence in the minds and hearts of the men she cherishes. CHAPTERS 00:00 Starting 01:15 Psychological Tricks to Make Him Obsessed 01 03:23 Psychological Tricks to Make Him Obsessed 02 05:54 Quick Relationship Advice for Women 06:32 Psychological Tricks to Make Him Obsessed 03 08:48 Closing ------------------------------- Discover The Truth Behind His Words - 15 Phrases Men Use To Give You Mixed Signals And Waste Your Time FREE GUIDE - https://www.savethemessenger.com/guid... ------------------------------- 1. Fear and Attraction One study in social psychology suggests that a shared experience of fear can heighten attraction between partners. When individuals navigate a fear-inducing situation together, such as watching a suspenseful movie or participating in an adventurous activity, the surge of adrenaline and heightened emotions can create a sense of bonding and connection. This shared emotional intensity can increase attraction and closeness within the relationship. 2. Reinforcement Affect Model Numerous studies in the field of psychology have highlighted the profound impact of positive reinforcement on attraction and thinking about someone. Positive reinforcement refers to rewarding desired behaviors, and when applied to relationships, it can be a powerful tool for strengthening emotional bonds. 3. Curiosity Gap Theory The gap between what we know and want to know about someone can be a powerful driver of intrigue and desire. When we encounter a person who leaves certain aspects of themselves shrouded in mystery, it creates a cognitive itch that compels us to scratch it. We yearn to fill in the gaps in our understanding, to uncover the hidden layers of their personality, and to delve deeper into their thoughts and experiences. Ismael Gomez III I'm a Cuban-American author, coach, and speaker. FOLLOW ME Instagram:   / save_the_messenger   TikTok:   / save_the_messenger   If you're looking for a Private Consultation: https://www.savethemessenger.com/cons... ====================================== Disclaimer: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of reading any of our publications. You acknowledge that you use the information we provide at your own risk. Do your own research. #relationshipadvice #relationshipcoach #relationshiptips KEYWORDS make him obsessed with you, relationship advice, how to make him obsessed with you, habits that make guys obsess over you, make him obsess over you, dating advice for women, habits that make men obsess over you, how to make a man obsess over you, how to make a man be obsessed with you, how to make a man obsessed with you, make him obsessed with you tips, relationship advice for women, relationship tips, relationship coach, best relationship advice, love coach for women,