마마무(MAMAMOO) - HIP | KPOP Dance Cover | Antara and Tavishi

마마무(MAMAMOO) - HIP | KPOP Dance Cover | Antara and Tavishi

You say queens, we say MAMAMOO. This song is genuinely one of the most fun songs we've ever danced too. Even though we're back to different frames but still it was super fun to cover this song. Check out our latest cover of MAMAMOO's 'Hip'. Let us know in the comments if you liked this one and if you want us to do more such songs! ~socials~ Instagram Dance Account : @danxingant //   / danxingant   Antara : @antarabasuroy //   / antarabasuroy   Tavishi : @tavishiisingh //   / tavishiisingh   ~credits~ song by: Mamamoo dance choreography by: Lia Kim intro by: tavishi endcard by: antara editing by: antara display picture by: @blaze_227 //   / blaze_227   Disclaimer: We do not own any of the choreography or music. #MAMAMOO #마마무 #HIP​ #KpopDance​ #kpopinquarantine