Last to Leave Lego Castle Wins $10,000!!

Last to Leave Lego Castle Wins $10,000!!

🔥SHOP NOW!!🔥━► Team RAR just built the world's largest GIANT LEGO CASTLE, and today we're doing Last to Leave Giant Lego Castle Wins $10,000!! The competitors are me, Carter Sharer, Lego ‪@StovesKitchen‬, Lego Batman ‪@baileypayne‬ and Lego Bergh flying in with the fire truck crane!! We built this Lego mansion with all the necessities: food, power, condiments, wi-fi, lights, a TV, couch and tons of hidden entrances! Except unlike our other last to leave challenges (giant lego house, monster truck, fire truck, lego yacht, etc), we each have $1,000 on this challenge, and if we lose it or it goes to 0, we get eliminated! This lego castle is so big we even put a pool in it, along with a merch shop, basketball hoop and even a hidden crow's nest at the top!! Stove and Andrew got eliminated, so it came down to me and Bailey at the end. Who do you think won?! It's a photo finish. Comment below!! 💌SEND US YOUR FAN MAIL!!💌 Team RAR 4501 New Bern Ave Suite 130, Box # 360 Raleigh NC, 27610 ❇️ MORE EPIC VLOGS ❇️ ‪@CarterSharer‬ Last To Leave Lego City Wins $10,000!!    • Last To Leave Lego City Wins $10,000!!   ‪@StephenSharer‬ I Moved into CARTER SHARER'S LEGO HOUSE…    • I Moved into CARTER SHARER'S LEGO HOUSE…   ‪@zhccrafts‬ Best 500,000 Lego Art Wins $10,000 Challenge!    • Best 500,000 Lego Art Wins $10,000 Ch...   ‪@Unspeakable‬ LAST TO LEAVE 3 STORY LEGO HOUSE, KEEPS IT!    • LAST TO LEAVE 3 STORY LEGO HOUSE, KEE...   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 📷INSTAGRAM → @CarterSharer   / cartersharer   📷INSTAGRAM → @OfficalTeamRAR   / officialteamrar   📷INSTAGRAM → @LizzyCapri   / lizzycapri   📘FACEBOOK → CARTER SHARER OFFICIAL Subscribe to my channel! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Business Inquiries: [email protected] WARNING: This video is only for entertainment purposes. Do not attempt to recreate any of the acts in this video, as they may be dangerous if not done correctly, and could result in serious injury. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Have fun, but always think ahead, and remember that every project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK. This footage is property of Team RAR inc. and is not allowed to be repurposed without written consent from Team RAR inc. For any requests from media contact us at [email protected]