Boneless spicy chicken feet, kielbasa sausage, rice balls, asmr, delicious food
광고문의 [email protected] 오늘은 매운 뼈 없는 닭발과 킬바사소세지, 주먹밥을 준비했어요! 무뼈닭발은 뼈가 없어서 먹기가 편해서 좋아요~ 매운맛이 강한데 너무 맛있어요! 쫄깃해서 식감도 좋고 주먹밥이랑 먹으면 조합이 좋아요~ 킬바사소세지는 크기고 크고 탱탱하면서 입 안에 꽉 차서 만족스러워요! 매운 무뼈닭발은 술안주로 인기가 많은데 술 없이 먹어도 맛있어요! Today, I prepared spicy boneless chicken feet, kielbasa sausage, and rice balls! Boneless chicken feet are easy to eat because they have no bones. It has a strong spicy taste, but it is so delicious! It's chewy, so the texture is good, and the combination is good when you eat it with rice balls. Kielbasa sausages are big, elastic, and full in the mouth, so it's satisfying! Spicy Boneless Chicken Feet is popular as a snack with alcohol, but it's delicious even without alcohol! 今日は辛い骨のない鶏足とキルバサソーセージ、おにぎりを用意しました! 無骨鶏の足は骨がないので食べやすいのでいいです〜 辛さが強いですが、とても美味しいです! しっかりして食感も良く、おにぎりと食べると組み合わせがいいですよ〜 キルバサソーセージは大きめで大きくてしっかりしながら口の中にいっぱいで満足ですよ! 辛い無骨鶏足はお酒のおつまみで人気がありますが、お酒なしで食べても美味しいです! 문의메일 [email protected]