Iced Mocha at home l Home Coffee Recipes EP.09
Hello everyone, This video is about how to make Iced Mocha at home with instant coffee. How to make easy coffee recipes at home using instant coffee without machine. ( របៀបធ្វេីកាហ្វេនៅផ្ទះងាយៗដោយមិនប្រេីម៉ាសុីន ) It is easy way to make without spent much time and also save money. It tastes so good! Ingredient: Iced Mocha Instant coffee 3tbsp + hot water 50ml Cacao powder 2tbsp + hot water 50ml sweet condensed milk 30ml milk 125ml ( frothed milk) chocolate syrup Ice I hope you like it and I happy to see your recommendation. Thank you❤️ Please help to subscribe my YouTube Channel: ❤️ 👉🏻 / @nachhyphnok My instagram: https://instagram.com/ch.ie_cafe?igsh... Music: Chillpeach - Taiyaki : • [no copyright music] 'Taiyaki' cute b... Chillpeach - 2:00 AM : • [no copyright music] '2:00 AM' cute b... #coffee #cafe #mocha #mocharecipe #coffeerecipe #how #viral #icedcoffee #latte #americano #cappuccino #frother #instantcoffee #coldcoffee #withoutmachine #coffeelover #coffeetime #cofevlog #coffeevibes #coffeevlogs #easyrecipe #howto #diary #espresso #caramellatte #asmr #trendingvideo