Professional Difficulty Speedrun in 2:36:16 || Resident Evil 4 Remake
This is one of my two finished runs so far. Its super sloppy and invalid because I accidentally reloaded from main menu but I thought you would all enjoy seeing the new strats for the speedrun. I'm working hard everyday to get a much more optimal time with perfect strats. A really good time would be around a 2:1X:00 with current strats, also the glitches save maximum 15 minutes SO DON'T LOSE YOUR HEAD OVER THEM XD! ENJOY! Live almost every single day - / bawkbasoup Most unedited videos can be found here (eventually) - / @bawkbavods Social media / bawkbasoup / bawkbasoup / bawkbasoup ------------------------------------------------------------- #residentevil #speedrun #residentevil4remake