Healthy Atta Coconut Cookies | आटा कोकोनट कुकीज | Market Style Cookies In Kadai & Oven Both
Healthy Atta Coconut Cookies | आटा कोकोनट कुकीज | Market Style Cookies In Kadai & Oven Both | #attacoconutcookies #coconutcookies #healthycookies #attacookiesrecipe #khastacookies #athomecooking YouTube Searches :- biscuits coconut cookies coconut cookies recipe Today we will make healthy and khasta atta coconut cookies in kadai and oven both..this cookies makes very tasty and mouthmelting with easily available home ingrediants... आज हम स्वस्थ और खस्ता आटा नारियल कुकीज कढ़ाई और ओवन दोनों में बनायेंगे.. घर में आसानी से उपलब्ध सामग्री से यह कुकीज बहुत ही स्वादिष्ट और मुंह में पिघलने वाली बनती है... Ingrediants :- • Wheat Flour - 1cup • Sugar - 1 cup • Coconut - 1 cup • Custurd Powder - 2 Tbs • Ghee - 5 Tbs • Baking Powder - ½ Tsp • Baking Soda - ¼ Tsp • salt - A Pinch • Bakery Style Karachi Biscuits | हैदरा... Bakery Style Karachi Biscuits | हैदराबाद के प्रसिद्ध कराची बिस्कुट | Healthy And Khasta Atta Biscuit • डोमिनोज़ के ज़िंगी पार्सल से भी ज़्या... एक बार ये ब्रेड पार्सल खाएंगे तो डोमिनोज का Zingy पार्सल भूल जाएंगे | Yummy Bread Parcel Recipe | • जब कुछ समझ ना आए तो बनाएं ये स्वादिष्... जब कुछ समझ ना आए तो बनाएं ये स्वादिष्ट परांठे | Delicious Layered Paratha Recipe | Quick And Tasty • भिन्डी की ऐसी रेसिपी जो खाने का स्वाद... Kurkuri Bhindi Fry Recipe | कुरकुरी भिंडी रेसिपी | Crispy Okra Fry | No Onion No Garlic | Your Queries :- Atta coconut cookies, coconut cookies recipe, atta coconut cookies, eggless coconut cookies, cookies,cookies recipe, no egg coconut cookies, coconut cookies eggless, healthy atta cookies, coconut cookies with wheat flour, eggless whole wheat coconut cookies, coconut atta cookies, no oven coconut cookies, coconut butter cookies, homemade coconut cookies, coconut cookies recipes, coconut biscuits, how to make coconut cookies, wheat flour coconut cookies, coconut cookies recipe in hindi If you like my recipes then plzz do like,share and subscribe to my channel and share your review with me.... And also if you want any baking relatated recipes plz write in comment section below... Thanks for watching...