Acetech Quark-R Shotgun Bifrost Tracer Overview for TM M870 [Nonocat Airsoft]

Acetech Quark-R Shotgun Bifrost Tracer Overview for TM M870 [Nonocat Airsoft]

Since Acetech released the Quark-K for the Marui KSG, everyone have been asking for a M870 Bifrost... Well, all prayers have been answered graciously with a much solid and adaptable unit for one of the most used Airsoft shotguns! Presenting the QUARK-R with a removable QUARK-MODULE so all your shotties can be rainbow hotties! Here's a review by Nonocat in all glorious SLOooowwwWWW-MO action! PS: This is a Muzzle Flash Simulation Device designed for Airsoft Use Only. Video Timestamps ================= Action Sequence - 0:15 External Features - 2:18 Quark Module - 3:15 Tracer features - 4:15 Mono-Flame Mode - 4:54 RGB Mode - 6:25 Rainbow Mode - 7:08 Dynamic Mode - 7:36 Demo Mode - 8:20 Conclusion - 8:52 Credits/Bloopers - 9:38 ================================================== Thank You to ACETECH Special Thanks to Lulu from Acetech and ASGC for arranging this sponsor! Special Thanks to ASGC for lending us their facility for the video! ================================================== If you like these videos, give us a follow or subscribe to greatly support us! You can also find us on these social media platforms! KoFi (One-off donations): Patreon :   / nonocat   (Monthly donation to Behind-the-Scenes Content) Instagram:   / nonocat_nz     / thunderspear_media   Facebook:   / nonocatnz   Twitter:   / nonocatnz   Youtube:    / nonocatnz