ULTIMATE GUIDE to making JERKY in the Masterbuilt Electric Smoker

ULTIMATE GUIDE to making JERKY in the Masterbuilt Electric Smoker

Learn how to make quality jerky in the Masterbuilt Electric Smoker with this ultimate guide. My BBQ Essentials Buying Guide: Meater+ Wireless Leave-in temperature probe (Essential for long cooks, temp alerts and temp graphs for nerding out and recording how your cooks went. It’s a game changer for BBQ): Meater website: https://www.jdoqocy.com/click-1001514... Get the MEATER on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3e7Dz7E Cheap Instant-Read Temp Probe (If you have no budget and can buy nothing else. It's a good starter and will work for a year or two just fine. Not a replacement for a leave-in probe): https://amzn.to/37ROmSi Marinade Injector (needed to inject brisket, pork, turkey etc. to retain moisture and add flavor): https://amzn.to/3jFfSVq Tongs (click click! I like the silicon ones because they don't mess up the bark as much): https://amzn.to/2HR80Tq Set of Good BBQ Knives: https://amzn.to/34HQoTk Bread Knife (Your workhorse for slicing brisket): https://amzn.to/3kHSkke Cutting board (get a big one with juice channels, trust me): https://amzn.to/2JesAhj Cotton and black nitrile gloves (use them both for heat + liquid protection): https://amzn.to/31Vly7Y https://amzn.to/31WPIaO Heavy duty rubber gloves (When you get sick of throwing out all your disposable gloves): https://amzn.to/37RXEOa Reynolds Wrap Pitmasters Choice Aluminum Foil (for wrapping): https://amzn.to/2HMsYDe Butcher paper (also for wrapping): https://amzn.to/2HQUgbl Wood chunks (for the Oklahoma Joe’s, Weber Kettle, WSM etc.): https://amzn.to/35Kc00x Wood chips (for electric smokers): https://amzn.to/2TBG2xL Pellets (for pellet grills): https://amzn.to/3mAnk6i