Intermediate full Details in telugu | What is the best Career option after 10th? | Study Advice
Hi friends welcome to Telugu Advice. Intermediate full Details in telugu | What is the best Career option after 10th? | Study Advice After 10th class many people feel like joining some college. Do you know why? The course we studied has no value. Hey I did CEC and MPC would have been better. If I did MPC and did POLYTECHNIC my life would have been SUPER. Many people feel this way. But if you do computer inter with perfect guidance you can do 100% job. What is the mistake we make? Taking suggestions from those who have off knowledge. After 10th, if you take any group in inter, what kind of jobs are there. Not knowing the details of the career. Many of those who have done Friends Inter are in the government sector. Instead of feeling after completing Inter, watch this video till the end and learn about Intermediate in detail. Join Inter ............................................................................................................................ INSTAGRAM : / teluguadvicee FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... TWITTER : / teluguadvicee Okay my dear friends thankyou for watching this video...