If you have 2 potatoes and 1 egg. I wish I had tried this recipe before by Zarish food secrets
If you have 2 potatoes and 1 egg. I wish I had tried recipe before by Zarish food secrets uick and easy recipe. You definitely haven't eaten such delicious potatoes! A very simple recipe. The recipe is based on potatoes and corn starch (you can use potato starch). Be sure to cook potatoes in this easy way. Cook with joy! Recipe and ingredients: 2 potatoes (500 grams). 2 pinches of salt. 1 teaspoon of paprika. Black pepper. Parsely. 2 tablespoons cornstarch. 1 egg. breadcrumbs. Friends, if you liked the video, you can help the channel: 📢 Share this video with your friends on social networks. Network + recipe will be saved on your page! Subscribe this channel #leckerzuhause #rezeptleckerzuhause #rezepteleckerzuhause #rezept #Kartoffeln #hausgemachterezepte #zarishfoodsecrets #patatorecipe #eggrecipe #sistrology #recipe #duckybhai #easyrecipe #humtvdrama #imrankhan