12 APRIL 2023 | Monthly Devotional Mass in Honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe
12 APRIL 2023 | Monthly Devotional Mass in Honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe 11:45 AM - Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe 12:00 NN - Devotional Noon Mass Main Presider: Rev. Fr. John Barro Team Ministry member, National Shrine of Our Lady Lady of Guadalupe LIVE from the National Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Makati City CONNECT WITH US! FACEBOOK: / nsolgofficial YOUTUBE: / nationalshrineofourladyofguadalupe INSTAGRAM: / nsolgofficial TWITTER: / nsolgofficial #NationalShrineofOurLadyofGuadalupe #NSOLG #MaBUHAY #ArchdioceseofManila #Guadalupe2022 #Devotional Mass