How do I remove text from an image in Photoshop #shorts #car

How do I remove text from an image in Photoshop #shorts #car

How do I remove text from an image in Photoshop #shorts #car To remove text from an image in Photoshop, you can use the Lasso tool or the Eraser tool: Lasso tool Select the Lasso tool from the left corner of the interface or press L. Click and move your cursor around the text to select it. Then press Delete. Eraser tool Select the Eraser tool (E). Customize the tool settings, like Size and Hardness. Drag over the parts of the image you want to erase. You can also cut out text from an image by: Making sure the image layer is above the text layer. Selecting Create Clipping Mask from the Layers drop down menu. How do I remove a text from a picture in Photoshop? How can I remove text from an image? How do I cut out text from an image in Photoshop? How do you remove the background of text in Photoshop? #photoediting #backgroundremoval #photoretouching #photoshopediting #photomanipulation #logodesign #animation #masking #hairmasking #clippingpath #cutoutimages #removebackgroundfromimage #removeobject #removepeople #watermark #colorchange #ghostmannequin #jewelryretouch #jewelryphotoretouching #productimageediting #amazonlistingimages #productimageediting #neckjoint #colorchange #Photoshop #SRLEARN #imagediting #photoediting #graphics design