ABBY AND OWEN SITTING IN A TREE - The Last of Us Part 2 Part 15
Abby and Owen's backstory is very cute, unfortunately. I'm starting to see that Abby isn't the bad guy, and honestly if it's Abby vs Ellie, Ellie looks like the bad guy. Even though we still love Ellie of course Welcome back to the last of us 2 let's play - part 15! We see abby's aquarium flashback (part one), and get the backstory for abby and Owen. Which brought up a lot of questions - why did abby and Owen break up? Why is Owen with Mel (or is it Melon) I'm hoping to find out soon. I did take a little break during Christmas/my birthday/New years. PLUS I had a horrendous time editing this - many things went wrong. I figured it out in the end though :) I had to break this session in to 2 parts for the sake of time! I know you get sick of me after 55 minutes and 49 seconds so i had no choice. Happy New year everyone! Here's to more videos and more subscribers in 2022!! Enjoy and i'll see you in the next one! (soon, I promise) Indiana Powell x #thelastofus2 #gamer #youtubegamer #girlgamer #thelastofus #gaming #follow #letsplay #playthrough #react #youtuber #gaming #playstation #ps5 #ps4