BIG 2023 PROPHECY: September 22 Forecast - The 70th Week of Daniel UNLOCKED (100% Pure Hebrew Study)

BIG 2023 PROPHECY: September 22 Forecast - The 70th Week of Daniel UNLOCKED (100% Pure Hebrew Study)

📕 Order your copy of Bible Prophecy Secrets (Ships Worldwide): 📱Get the Bible Prophecy Secrets eBook FREE! We were explicitly commanded to "know and understand" the 70 Shabua (“weeks”) of Daniel prophecy that was "sealed until the time of the end." Well...the time of the end is NOW, and the time for ignorance and playing church is over. Lets get serious and dig into what the Scriptures reveal. If you thought the year 2020 was significant, it pales in comparison to what will be happening September 22, 2023. Once you understand the 70 Shabua prophecy, you will be able to fully understand the entire book of Daniel including the exact date of the abomination of desolation that will begin the Great Tribulation period. Let me show you how the future will be unfolding, according to what has been revealed to us by Daniel the prophet. WARNING: Brace yourself. This information is not for the faint of heart. You will finally understand why Daniel was sick for many days after this prophecy was shown to him. However, THIS IS NOT A DOOM AND GLOOM prophecy. There are hidden and profound blessings for watching, waiting, and being obedient to Jesus (Yeshua) and the specific commandments He gave to those of us living in these last days. Sadly, many will caught completely unaware and spiritually unprepared to face the events that will be unfolding very soon. Don’t be one of them. Share this video far and wide. Like, subscribe, comment. 📕 Order your copy of Bible Prophecy Secrets (Ships Worldwide): 📱Get the Bible Prophecy Secrets eBook FREE! 🔗 For upcoming meetings + announcements, sub to Telegram: ☕ Support the channel with a cup of coffee: