Village pond scenery drawing step by step/Village scenery drawing/working women drawing

Village pond scenery drawing step by step/Village scenery drawing/working women drawing

Hi/ Hellow, I am Milton Danda,Welcome to my 2nd youtube channel-"New Lesson of Drawing" ★TITLE - 1) Village pond scenery drawing step by step 2) Village scenery drawing 3) Working women drawing ************************************ ★About this video- ----------------------------------- In this video I will teach you today, Village pond scenery drawing step by step and Village scenery drawing and Working women drawing easy tutorial . I am teaching you to say every step in the video so that you do not have difficulty in understanding. I will teach you the colour of the whole picture step by step with a good oil pastel colour . I hope you like this video. If you like this video then do hit the LIKE button and share it with your friends. ★Meterial used - 1) white cartidge paper 2) 4b pencil 3) Black glass marking border pencil 5) polo pastel colour box ★your queries/ cover topic- ----------------------------------------------- 1)new lesson of drawing 2) Village pond scenery drawing step by step 3) Village scenery drawing 4) Working women drawing 5) Village women drawing 6) Village pond scenery drawing step by step with oil pastels 7) Village lady drawing with colour 8) Village landscape scenery drawing 9) How to draw scenery of village 10) Village drawing 11) village scenery drawing with village pond 12) village drawing with oil pastels ★hope you'll also like some of my other videos ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1)   • How to draw a car scenery step by ste...   2)   • How to draw a boat scenery step by st...   3)   • How to draw a Rat step by step/ Rat d...   4)   • How to draw a cute cat easy step by s...   5)   • How to draw a village hut easy step b...   6)   • How to draw a parrot in a cage/Parrot...   7)   • How to draw underwater scenery step b...   8)   • How to draw kittens in a basket/Cute ...   9)   • How to draw a China Rose easy/Hibiscu...   ★For contact / our social link -------------------------------------------------------- facebook -   / milton.danda   Facebook page -  / painter444   instagram -   / miltondanda   1st channel~ youtube -    / artwithartistmiltondanda   *2nd channel~ youtube -    / newlessonofdrawing   *3rd channel~ Youtube-    / @academyofwatercolour   ★e -mail [email protected] ★cetegory - howto & style thanks a lot for subscribing to my channel and if you're new to my channel then do not forget to SUBSCRIBE - LIKE - COMMENT - SHARE . Be sure to press the bell icon to get the latest videos. Thanks to watching my channel *********************************** #NewLessonofDrawing #Villagescenerydrawing #Villageworkingwomendrawing