Let's Sing with the Ladybird Book Ltd.'s Book ~ : "The Magic Porridge Pot Song"
Book Publisher : Ladybird Book Ltd. Song Composer : MrSeisay1 There are many versions of 'The Magic Porridge Pot'. I composed this song using the text of the book published by Ladybird Book Ltd. for the lyric of this song. This story is very familiar with children, so when I wrote this song, the young students used to say, "Teacher, Teacher, let's sing that Magic Porridge Pot Song! Let's sing!" as soon as they got to our school. They urged me to accompany their singing on the piano and enjoyed singing. This song was also sung by my wife, Lee Jungsook, and especially by my three girl students and recorded in 2001. Now, they have become university students and are studying in Korea and in Canada.