BTS (방탄소년단) – Dis-ease (병) (Color Coded Lyrics Han/Rom/Eng)

BTS (방탄소년단) – Dis-ease (병) (Color Coded Lyrics Han/Rom/Eng)

Watch in HD ‘BE’ playlist –    • BE   (0:23) 세끼 (se-kki) means daily meals, while 새끼 (sae-kki) means a young animal/ a bastard. (0:28) This seems to have used the phonetic similarity between 게 (ge; a shortened form of 것이, meaning [thing] is) and 개 (gae; dog). “Biting myself who is resting is my sin” becomes “[Being] a dog that bites its resting self is my sin.” (0:42) 건 (gun) is a shortened form of 것은, which means “a thing is”/“things are.” (1:33) 일 (ill) means work. It also means 1, which gives the line its second meaning, “I’m the best, yeah, I’m the No.1 itself.” (1:39) 병 can mean sickness/disease or bottle/jar. (3:19) Reference to ‘Make It Right’: “In the eternal night for which I was unable to see the end, it was you who gifted me the morning.” + Reference to ‘Spring Day’: “The morning will come again — because no darkness or no season can last forever.” Track: 06. ‘Dis-ease (병)’ Album: ‘BE’ Year: 2020 Artist: BTS (방탄소년단) ‘BE’ on Spotify – ‘Dis-ease (병)’ on Spotify – #Disease #병 #BE #BTS #방탄소년단 No copyright infringement intended - All rights administered by Bighit Entertainment.