Resident Evil 5: Professional Mode Split-Screen Part 14 Chp 6-1
WARNING: VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED READ DESCRIPTION: If you don't like the Quality or the way, or the split-screen, then go watch a different video. We don't want to hear any complaints. Hey everyone. Welcome back to RE5 Pro Run part 14. Sorry for the late uploads, took a while to get internet at my new place, but finally got it. Anyways, last part, we died....a lot by Wesker and Jill. They totally raped us, but we made it in 20 tries, lol. Part 14, Chapter 6-1, we start looking for Wesker on his tanker, which is huge. Theres like 2 deaths I think, but hey, whats this game without any laughs. We fight more soldiers, dogs and a guy with a Gatling Gun....man, WTF!. Well once getting through the first part of the tanker, that ends the chapter. Well thats it for this part everyone. Thanks for watching. Check him out / gothickillerr