10AM Communion - Saint Martin's Church - Richmond VA - 241204
A more intimate worship experience. This small, intimate service uses the Propers of the saint of the day. It consists of a short sermon followed by communion. Choir practices Sundays at 9:15AM in choir loft & rehearses on Thursdays 7PM also in choir loft (All Are Welcome!) Bible Studies Wednesday December 4th 7PM, Tuesday December 10th 10AM, Wednesday December 11th 7PM (last one of 2024) GriefShare Tuesday December 3rd 6:30-8:30PM (Parish Hall) Yoga Stretch - Thursday December 5th 1PM, Thursday December 19th 1PM (last one of 2024), $3 for Saint Martin’s) Youth Christmas Lights Tour Sunday December 8th 5:30-8:30PM (chauffeured van, snacks, drinks provided) Vestry Meeting Tuesday December 10th 7PM Wednesday Eucharist (every Wednesday 10AM communion) Fellowship 1st Wednesday of the month after Service (refreshments in Parish Hall) 2nd Sun. of Advent Sun. Dec. 8th 8AM & 10AM; Christmas Pageant 10AM 3rd Sunday of Advent Sunday December 15th 8AM and 10AM; Christmas Caroling after 10AM Service and Lunch 4th Sunday of Advent Sunday December 22nd 8AM and 10AM Christmas Eve Services Tuesday December 24th 5PM and 11PM Christmas Day Service Wednesday December 25th 10AM 1 Christmas 1st Sunday After Christmas Sun. Dec. 29th (8AM and 10AM) web: https://saintmartinschurch.org/ phone: 804-270-6786 email: [email protected]