Chris Hemsworth on Sexiest Man Alive Chris Evans
Transcript It's the passing of the torch isn't it Did this go around the I know you guys have a text chain We do We have an Avengers text chain And it very quickly was like what are you doing with your hands back there It was like Downey said he's being arrested I said he's a beautiful mugshot And then Jeremy Renner said a series of things which we won't repeat Oh is he the does he add the color commentary off color commentary Often yeah Maybe he's just like listen I'm so sexy I barely keep my hands off myself I'm going to tuck them back here behind my belt so I don't go crazy I would imagine you're very proud of him yeah I mean Absolutely He's indeed a sexy man So well done You are on the inside of the magazine with the sexiest dog of all time Oh the sexiest dog Look at that Is this your dog That's my dog Sonny Yeah That's nice Yeah because you can't have like a prop dog in there Because if your dog sees it then you've got problems I've got 2 dogs The other one was extremely jealous Oh really Yeah Yeah you can't Don't make sure he doesn't pee on that