"Tambourine Man" Easy Guitar Tutorial - 3 Chord Song w/ Strumming & TABs

"Tambourine Man" Easy Guitar Tutorial - 3 Chord Song w/ Strumming & TABs

Learn how to play "Tambourine Man" by Bob Dylan (The Byrds recorded a very famous version as well). This easy 3 chord song is perfect for beginners, as it uses one of the easiest 3 chord progressions on guitar, includes some switching tips/tricks for faster and accurate switching, and a very simple strumming pattern. It could be the first song you learn on acoustic guitar! ► Grab your copy of my FREE E-BOOK! https://goodguitarist.com/learn-rhyth... ► Need help with the basic chords and strumming? My beginner guitar course will help you build a solid foundation one step at a time: https://goodguitarist.com/beginner-gu... ► Beginner Song List: http://goodguitarist.com/beginner-gui... We cover some basic tips on switching between D and G (using a guide finger) and, as usual, there are some simple play-along's that you can practice along to once you're comfortable with the chord shapes. The strumming pattern is pretty straight-forward too. And if you find that it's a bit too difficult to perform the "root-strum" you're totally allowed to do a down-stroke instead of the root-strum and it'll sound fine, so no worries! I've been getting some really kind comments and emails - I'm so incredibly grateful to all of you for enjoying my lessons, I really am. So thanks and enjoy the lesson! --- https://www.goodguitarist.com   / goodguitarist