Legends Battlegrounds - Ultimate Shinji Moveset | Stick Nodes Pro

Legends Battlegrounds - Ultimate Shinji Moveset | Stick Nodes Pro

This was a bit tricky mixing sn with 3d, full-body and drawn effects but I'm glad I could pull it off, I learned a lot and wouldn't mind doing more of this so tell me what character you'd like to see next or if you'd like a tutorial on it. song used:「Aoi Todo Black Flash」    • 「Aoi Todo Black Flash」Jujutsu Kaisen ...   Ignore: #opm #hero #fyp #tsb #thestrongestbattlegrounds #strongesthero #thestrongestbattlegroundsmetalbat #collab #collaboration #collaborations #fighting #anime #moveset #showcase #animation #stickman #sticknodes #sticknodespro #sticknodesproanimation #blademaster #cyborg #destructivecyborg #deadlyninja #brutaldemon #wildpsychic #sorcerer #herohunter #normalpunch #consecutive #shove #uppercut #deathcounter #tableflip #seriouspunch #omnidirectional #flowingwater #lethal #whirlwind #stream #hunter #grasp #prey #peril #rampage #thefinalride #thefinal #hunt #rocksplittingfist #crushedrock #machinegun #blows #ignition #burst #blitz #shot #jet #dive #thunder #speedblitz #dropkick #cannon #incinerate #flash #scatter #shuriken #speed #sonic #rush #straight #carnage #four #homerun #beatdown #grandslam #foulball #savage #strength #difference #deathblow #cascade #atmos #cleave #pinpoint #splitsecond #sunset #sunrise #crush #pull #coffin #bullet #suiryu #barrage #vanishing #kick #whirlwind #drop #martialarts #martialartist #pincer #acid #spit #laser #claws #giant #leap #titan #massive #crabboss #boss #crab #gojo #kitkat #thehonoredone #sukuna #malevolentshrine #unlimitedvoid #infinitevoid #repulse #reversal #cursed #technique #red #blue #attract #magnet #gravity #hollowpurple #erase #blender #destruction #beatdown #barrage #crushed #blood #splat #smash #fist #blaze #flame #burn #meteor #rock #tornado #fire