Avoid These Travel Mistakes | FLIGHT Mistakes | फ्लाइट में कभी न करें ये गलतियां- Mamta Sachdeva
Here are some of the mistakes made by passengers In Flight. A few Tips apart from the tips shared in the video. As much as we love traveling, we know we’re not alone when we say the plane ride is the worst part of any trip. Airports are stressful, planes are packed, and it’s nearly impossible not to get sick from a long flight. As much as we dislike plane travel, everyone can have a better experience if we all follow a few polite practices. Here, our readers share their tips on how to be a polite plane passenger. Good manners start with the basics: saying “hello” and “goodbye,” and “please” and “thank you.” Our readers know how far a friendly smile or greeting can go. Say hello and goodbye, smile, be polite, and be aware of the fact that you are not alone in the world. I say hello when boarding to all staff where possible and thank you during any type of service (such as food and drinks). I try to be patient and give them space in their work areas. And lastly, I always say thank you and goodbye when deplaning. Say hello, goodbye, and thank you to the staff, and smile at and be mindful of the person sitting next to you. Always say hello to flight attendants, as they have a hard job that’s not all fun! Be sure to acknowledge your row mates and do not over talk to them. Have patience if a flight is delayed and, most of all, if you need to rebook due to a canceled or missed flight, SMILE! It goes a long way with a booking agent at the gate. As a passenger you must avoid these silly mistakes which u highlighted on the video, Everyone with love you #flightmistakes #passengermistakes #flightdonts #flight #airline #airport #flighttips #flighttipsandtricks