Oldies playing in another room, but it's Bioshock (real vintage & oldies ads) Quick 30-minute nap

Oldies playing in another room, but it's Bioshock (real vintage & oldies ads) Quick 30-minute nap

If you like the content and the channel LIKE + SUBSCRIBE 💜 Enjoy oldies playing in another room and it's underwater. This video contained real ads from the oldies era to immerse yourself more. BEST EXPERIENCED WITH EARPHONES AND LOW VOLUME HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS VINTAGE VIBE. Audio Mixing and Visual Editing by: Homie's Time Machine Oldie effects, colorization, and light flicker loop by: Homie's Time Machine 00:00 Intro 00:07 Ain't That A Kick In The Head 02:30 All States Boogie 05:04 Everybody Loves Bosco Ad 05:18 Buick Ad 05:35 Keep A Dollar In Your Pocket 07:57 Blue Moon 10:45 Beyond The Sea 13:39 4 Way Cold Tablets Ad 14:11 Alka seltzer - Plop Plop Fizz Fizz Ad 14:43 Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall 17:53 You Make Me Feel So Young 20:46 Cheek To Cheek 26:39 Young At Heart 29:35 Blue Coal Ad 30:05 Boris Karloff Greetings To Station Owners Ad 30:29 Beech Nut Chewing Gum Ad 30:42 Dream Lover © This video was created by Homie's Time Machine 2023. All rights reserved. Reproduction or re-publication of this video is prohibited.