01 by QUEEN BEE Vocals 100% FC Rock Band 3 (Custom)
Charted by Freekotaku Tier - 6, Impossible Here's QUEEN BEE's other known song on behalf of recent anime material affiliation. This song is the first opening theme of the manga based series "Undead Unluck", which aired back in winter of this year going into last season. The anime adaptation managed to cover the entirety of the manga and I thought it was adapted decently, which is not very common with most manga/light novel based stories. This song though on the other hand is definitely a different story compared to the "Oshi no Ko" song. This song is definitely MUCH tougher than Mephisto considering this song is a faster tempo track compared to the other song. This song is an exhausting one for sure, and has some pretty annoying octave changes throughout, such as the transitions into the choruses. Plus as I can commonly note with Freek's vocal charts, this one has stubborn registering fast chop notes when it comes to the fast sections. I do not own the rights to this game (as it's licensed by Harmonix) You can find the chart for this custom here: https://rhythmverse.co/songfile/2db5910f3f...