Sunday Morning Bible Class and Worship Services  |  Castleberry Church of Christ

Sunday Morning Bible Class and Worship Services | Castleberry Church of Christ

When Sunday Mornings: 9:15 A.M. - Worship 10 A.M. - Bible Classes (For all ages) 11 A.M. - Worship (Including the Lord's Supper) 5th Sunday Evenings - 5 P.M. Wednesday Night: 7:30 P.M. - Bible Classes (For all ages) 8:20 P.M. - 5 Minute Devotional Where Castleberry church of Christ 1025 Merritt Street Fort Worth, TX 76114 817-624-1780 Links: Facebook:   / castleberrychurch   God’s word on the go: Anchor: Google Podcast: Spotify: Check out our YouTube channel:    / @castleberrychurchofchrist   Copyright License: 21593229