Photoshop Kindergarten | Lesson 3: Marquee Tools Explained
Photoshop Kindergarten | Lesson 3: Marquee Tools Explained What are marquee tools in Photoshop? What is the rectangular marquee tool?? What is the elliptical marquee tool? Is there a difference between the two, and what do they do?! In today's lesson, I cover both Marquee tools in the tool bar and explain how they can help us make selections in photoshop! Quick recap: Lasso tool - free handed selections Tool bar - The "utensils drawer" of Photoshop Selections - a method to select an area of your layer and move or edit specific area inside. New Key Terms: Elliptical Marquee Tool - make selections in the shape of an ellipse. Hold SHIFT down to create a perfect circle. Rectangular Marquee Tool - make selections in the shape of a rectangle. Hold SHIFT down to create a perfect square. Don't forget to practice at home! ~~~~ Welcome to Photoshop Kindergarten! A series I created that explains Adobe Photoshop to you as if you were a five-year-old! I created this series for my younger self because I'll never forget how frustrating it was to learn a creative software without going to design school. Photoshop is the most lucrative skill you could ever learn as a creator that wants to do this as a career. It's hard to get started when all of the tutorials out there use designer lingo that beginners have never heard of. I spent years turning Photoshop inside-out and vowed that when I learned it well, I'd create content one day where I'd break it down in the most basic, 'big picture' way I could. I do believe that a 5 year old could learn how to use Photoshop if it was explained simply, so I guess it's now time to put my money where my mouth is! *disclaimer, this is for adults, not for kids! CONTACT IG @royasoartsy Tiktok @royasoartsy For all inquiries, please email: [email protected] #photoshopseries #photoshopkindergarten #royasoartsy #photoshopforbeginners #photoshoptutorial #adobephotoshop #contentcreatortips #creatortips #learnphoto