Stunning Results From the Latest Obstetrical Operations on Domestic Animals!

Stunning Results From the Latest Obstetrical Operations on Domestic Animals!

In this video, we'll show you some stunning results from the latest obstetrical operations on domestic animals. This video is a must-watch if you're interested in veterinary medicine, surgery, or obstetrics! By watching this video, you'll learn about the latest techniques and procedures used in obstetrical operations on domestic animals. You'll also get a glimpse into the world of veterinary medicine, and see the incredible work that veterinarians do every day! The pdf of the lecture is available at our GNP Sir Classes App Download our App Now: #repulsion, #percutaneous, #diagnosis, #mutations, #obstetrics, Linked Contact email: [email protected] More videos: Hormones of reproduction in domestic animals    • Unveiling the Mystery of Animal Repro...   3. Estrus cycle    • Uncovering the Mystery of Animal Repr...   4. Estrus detection in cows    • Discover How Cows Reveal Their Fertil...   5. Follicular dynamics in farm animals    • Uncovering Amazing Insights into Farm...   6. 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Prof Govind Narayan Purohit has more than 35 years of teaching research and extension in animal reproduction has more than 221 research publications and is currently the Dean Post Graduate Studies, and University Head (Veterinary Gynecology and Obstetrics) Rajasthan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India. He is the Editor of Bubaline Theriogenology at the International Veterinary Information Service, New York, and Domestic Animal Obstetrics published by Lambert Academic Publishers Germany.