5 Major Tips you Must do to your NEW SOD or it will die !!

5 Major Tips you Must do to your NEW SOD or it will die !!

New Sod care is not hard but if you don't do these things you are about to make a mistake that you will regret. Caring for new sod is essential to ensure its successful establishment and healthy growth. Here are some guidelines for taking care of new sod: Watering: Proper watering is crucial during the initial weeks after installation. Water the sod immediately after installation, ensuring that it is thoroughly soaked. Keep the sod consistently moist for the first two weeks to support root development. Water it lightly 2-3 times a day to prevent drying out. Mowing: Wait until the sod has rooted firmly before mowing. This typically takes about two to three weeks. Set your mower to a higher setting, around 1-2 inches Bermuda 2.5 - 3 inches fescue and ensure the blades are sharp. Avoid cutting more than one-third of the grass height at a time. Fertilization: Newly installed sod generally doesn't require immediate fertilization since it usually comes with some nutrients. Wait at least 4-6 weeks before applying a slow-release fertilizer specifically formulated for new sod. Follow the instructions on the fertilizer package for proper application. Weed control: Keep an eye out for weeds and remove them manually as soon as they appear. Avoid using herbicides until the sod has established well, typically around 8-10 weeks after installation. Consult with a local garden center or landscaping professional for safe herbicide recommendations for your specific sod type. Foot traffic: Minimize foot traffic on newly laid sod for the first few weeks to allow the roots to establish firmly. Avoid heavy activities or excessive use until the sod has taken root and become more resilient. Monitoring: Regularly inspect the sod for any signs of pests, diseases, or other issues. Address any problems promptly to prevent them from spreading and causing damage. Remember, these guidelines may vary slightly depending on your specific sod type and local climate conditions. It's always a good idea to consult with a local gardening expert or the sod supplier for tailored advice based on your region. 00:00 How to care for new sod updated version recent 00:50 Applying a Fungicide to new sod // Fungus Control new sod 01:55 Insect Control on New Sod // Prevent Army worms and grubs 03:15 should I fertilize my new sod // best fertilizer for new sod 03:45 Soil test for new sod care 04:45 Weed Control New Sod do's and Don'ts 05:45 Can you spray Round Up on New Sod while Dormant? 07:05 why am i getting weeds in my new sod? 07:50 can I apply Pre Emergent to new sod? 09:20 How to tell New Sod is established // new sod root development 10:25 How to mow new sod 11:20 what mower to use on new sod // Mowing height Bermuda new sod 12:55 can I apply a PGR on my new sod 13:20 can I apply Weed and Feed on new sod 13:50 How to water New Sod 15:30 How long should i water my new sod? 16:00 can I apply Hydretain to new sod? 17:50 how to apply sand on new sod 19:25 can i water new sod at Night Order Hydretain and YardMastery 12-12-12 here https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=127523... Order Lesco spreader with covet ( pictured in video ) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BMF9NYH/... Orbit Sprinkler heads with spike stakes https://amzn.to/43mFvlz