Days 1-100: How Long Can I Survive in Project Zomboid with All the Negative Traits? (CDDA Challenge)
Project Zomboid: How Long Can I Survive the CDDA challenge with all the negative traits? Edited by @bluefi Join this channel to get access to perks: / @ambiguousamphibian ▶TWITCH: / ambiguousamphibian ▶TWITTER: / ambiguousamphib ▶DISCORD: / discord Help support the channel! ▶PATREON: / ambiguousamphibian Channel Emoji by the amazingly artistic DistantCacophony: Twitter: / distntcacophony YT: / @distantcacophony Music (These are affiliate links): Ambient music by Epidemic Sound (My free trial referral link here - Thank you for the support) http://share.epidemicsound.com/3sMm7f Also features music licensed by Envato Elements: https://1.envato.market/5bvMoD Other Music Licensed by Artlist 0:00 Intro 0:35 Days 1-10 5:25 Days 11-20 8:18 Days 21-30 11:24 Days 31-40 12:26 Days 41-50 14:36 Days 51-60 15:21 Days 61-70 16:00 Days 71-80 16:42 Days 81-90 17:10 Days 91-100