Psalm 113 - Praise the Lord, who raises the poor (Ps 113:1-2, 4-8. Resp vv.1,7) ~ sung by Winnie fJ
The praise sung in this psalm was adopted by the Blessed Virgin, the handmaid or servant of the Lord (v.1; cf. Luke 1:46), when, after the announcement of the Incarnation, she proclaimed that the Lord "exalted those of low degree" (Luke 1:52; cf. v.7). The most amazing thing of all is that the God of Israel, even though he is above all things, takes care of everyone. This, the central statement in the psalm, spells out in what way he is the "name", that is, God: he who is on high "raises" and "lifts" those who are far below. These verses echo the canticle sung by Hannah when the Lord blessed her with motherhood (cf. 1 Samuel 2:3-8). They are also a call to humility: "God protects and frees the humble man; he loves and comforts him; he comes out to meet the humble man and gives him grace; and when his spirit is downcast, he raises the humble man up to a place of high honour. He reveals his secrets to the humble one, draws him to himself, and invites him in. The humble, who had known disgrace, are at peace, because they are in God, not in the world" (Thomas a Kempis, De imitatione Christi, 2, 2-3). ~ Commentary taken from the Navarre Bible This psalm arrangement is used in the Mass liturgy on the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C. Photo credits: 1. Purple skies - 2. Man on rock outcrop - Joshua Earle 3. Silhouette of five on rock outcrop - Natalie Pedigo 4. Pine trees in night sky - M Wrona 5. Man sitting on hill with purple skies - Jeremy Bishop