DAY 19 | DKG PRT Series | Rectification of Errors | Accounts | Part-2
DAY 19 | DKG PRT Series | Rectification of Errors | Accounts | Part-2 #DKGDexterousZone 50 Day CA Foundation Strategy Introduction | DKG PRT Series Completely FREE FREE FREE & FREE avail the benefit....and rock in the exam. complete course will be finished by 30th October, 2019 Pls. what's app or comment below : Name : Place : Attempt : Email id : Coaching (optional) Call us at 9643337205/95 or join our telegram channel. telegram link : https://t.me/dkgcafoundation (9643337205) for NOTES , TEST SERIES or any kind of info you want related to your course. to join our whats-app group message us at - 9643337205 with your name & course detail. Follow us on YouTube - https://bit.ly/2CSiRJr Facebook - https://bit.ly/2R0S54o Instagram - https://bit.ly/2J8dOof LinkedIn - https://bit.ly/2PaV0u2 Twitter - https://bit.ly/2Akjdpx Ca Club India - https://bit.ly/2Ox2Mim Website-http://dkgolaclasses.org/