Hey Jude  - Learco [Jacob Collier’s Beatles Demonstration]

Hey Jude - Learco [Jacob Collier’s Beatles Demonstration]

In the video below Jacob Collier demonstrates some music production tricks. I tried to replicate this little piece of music just for practice and fun ORIGINAL VIDEO:    • Creating Song in Logic | Jacob Collie...   SUPPORT: Help me record and release my music: https://www.paypal.me/learcomusic Learco: voice, mixing, video editing FOLLOW LEARCO: INSTAGRAM:   / learcoz   FACEBOOK:   / learcomusic   SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1NrGA... WEBSITE: https://www.learco.it OTHER PLATFORMS: https://lnkfi.re/learco MAIL: [email protected] #thebeatles #heyjude #jacobcollier