The Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost, and Men's Day, September 1, 2024, 10 30am
Welcome to Trinity Episcopal Church of Washington, DC. Our On-line bulletin: Please support our ministry with your donation at https://trinitychurchdc.org/support/ . Our Clergy: Reverend Shayna J. Watson, Priest In Charge Reverend Dr. Shawn Strout, Assisting Clergy Reverend Alethea Long-Green, Deacon WELCOME to Trinity Episcopal Church. We are very delighted that you are here in person and online. Today is The Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost, August 18, 2024. Please join in the worship by following the liturgy in this bulletin. We also invite you to use the time before worship to pray and invite the presence of the Holy Spirit to keep you centered and focused on what God may be saying to you today. After worship, we invite you to pray for God’s strength to help you face and meet the demands of the world from this moment and in the days to come. Have a wonderful Sunday!!!