The Last of Us Survivor Walkthrough 100% Part 70: Epilogue (ENDING)

The Last of Us Survivor Walkthrough 100% Part 70: Epilogue (ENDING)

My first Let's Play! NEW Last of Us Let's Play/Walkthrough/Playthrough/whatever the hell you wanna call it IN HD 1080p!! Featuring The Last of Us Chapter 11: Firefly Lab, Part 1: The Hospital (final part) and Chapter 12: Jackson, Part 1: Epilogue. Playing through in SURVIVOR MODE and showing you where 100% of all collectibles are! Joel finds Ellie about to undergo her fatal operation, and must make the incredible choice whether or not to save her life. If he does, he can finally reclaim some semblance of the life he lost when the outbreak occurred and took his daughter from him. But if he doesn't, it could literally save humanity. It's a decision no one should have to make... This is the conclusion of my first Let's Play! I started it almost a year ago (closer to 11 months), mirroring Joel and Ellie's year-long journey across the country. Going back to the first episode, the quality from then til now is astonishing. Thanks so much to everyone who stuck behind me the whole way through, and I hope to spend much more time with you over the coming year and beyond! Subscribe: Full Playlist: Twitter:   / thescottspot