DIY AQUAPONICS System for 10 Gallon Fish Tank - Part 1

DIY AQUAPONICS System for 10 Gallon Fish Tank - Part 1

What's up everyone, in this video i build part 1 of an indoor DIY aquaponics system for my 10 gallon fish tank! I have been interested in aquaponics for a while now and know i wanted to build an indoor DIY aquaponics system early on when i saw the price of most retail aquaponics kits. This DIY aquaponics system was built using all materials found either on Amazon or at local hardware stores and came in under $50 total! Items Used: Clay Pebbles/ Hydroten: Submersible water pump: 30w grow light: Rockwool starter cubes: PVC pipe cutters : Window tray box grow bed: Update to my DIY Aquaponics fish tank system:    • DIY AQUAPONICS Fish Tank System Updat...   My DIY aquaponics system will be fueled by a colony of guppies, which will hopefully feed some aquaponic lettuce and spinach to start. I would love to get your feedback on this DIY aquaponics system, and take a look at other DIY aquaponic systems you may have produced or seen elsewhere. Make sure to subscribe for part 2 of the DIY aquaponics system build, and the grow log to track how well the aquaponics system grows plants! Check out part 2 of the build here:    • DIY AQUAPONICS System for 10 Gallon F...   Check out this 3D printed Bell Siphon:    • DIY AQUAPONICS system - 3D Printed Be...   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe:    / bothdays.  . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check out my other videos! Lure Painting Videos: Freshwater Fishing Videos: Saltwater Fishing Videos: #Aquaponics #DIYaquaponics #IndoorAquaponics Tags: DIY Aquaponics System for 10 Gallon Fishtank (Cheap!), DIY aquaponics, DIY aquaponics system, aquaponics, aquaponics DIY, indoor aquaponics, aquarium aquaponics, aquaponics fish tank, fish tank aquaponics, DIY